Make an Appointment: (540) 940-7331 | [email protected]

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    Tele-therapy for Behavioral Health is the use of telecommunications or videoconferencing technology to services. Telehealth is an innovative,  secure/confidential, and convenient option for getting behavioral health care at home, work or on the go in a safe environment. You can attend appointments without needing transportation, taking time off work, or arranging for childcare.


    Wholistic Counseling & Consulting provides therapy services through a HIPAA compliant online platform in any private comfortable setting. Wherever you can access the internet, you can access teletherapy services. Our tele-behavioral health process focuses on the enhancement of communication, problem solving and promoting over mental, spiritual and body wellness.


    Contact us now to begin your professional HIPPA secured Tele-therapy sessions



    Potential Benefits
    • Convenience: Tele-therapy appointments don’t require travel and often mean less time off work and smoother logistics coordination for things like transportation or childcare (which leads to financial benefits). Patients also can schedule appointments with less advance notice and at more flexible hours.
    • Broader reach: The technology is available to people who may not have had access to mental health services previously, including those in remote areas and emergency care situations.
    • Fewer barriers: For those who may have been hesitant to look for mental health care in the past, tele-therapy services might be an easier first step than traditional behavioral health services.
    • Advances in technology: tele-therapy services have increased, providers have become more familiar with evolving HIPPA compliant videoconferencing technology, with some switching to entirely virtual practices.
    Potential Drawbacks
    • Access to technology: Services may be limited by lack of internet connection and devices.
    • Quality issues: Varying levels of technological quality or connection can affect how services are provided and received.
    • Privacy: Cameras in users’ homes pose privacy considerations.