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    What is addiction?

    Addiction is an inability to stop a substance or engaging in a behavior even-though it is causing psychological and physical harm. The term addiction does not only refer to dependence on substances such as marijuana, alcohol, heroin or cocaine. Some addictions also involve an inability to stop partaking in activities such as gambling, eating, shopping, or even working. Some people with addiction will continue to misuse the substance or activity in spite of the harmful effects it has on them and their well-being

    Examples of substance addiction may include but not limited to:

    • Cocaine
    • Opioids
    • Benzodiazepines
    • Prescription pills
    • Alcohol
    • Methamphetamines
    • Gas huffing

    Examples of non-substance addiction may include but not limited to:

    • Gambling
    • Sex
    • Food
    • Internet
    • Gaming
    • cell phone

    If you can relate to any of the above substances or behaviors, it may be time to consider addiction counseling.

    As a therapist who specializes in addictions, I will address the symptoms of your addiction and the related areas of impaired functioning. Together we will structure the level of care, time and content of your ongoing recovery.

    I believe that there are many paths to a successful recovery that will work with your goals, desires, and ensure you that you can make the life changes you want to make. 

    Contact me today for a free 15 minute consultation to see if you meet criteria for outpatient addiction through teletherapy.