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    Integrative Behavioral Health

    What is it:
    Integrative health is an individualized, client-centered model of promoting optimal health and wellness, combining the whole person approach with evidence-based strategies to reduce risks by turning around lifestyle behaviors.

    Integrative health aims for well-coordinated care among different providers and institutions by bringing conventional and complementary approaches together to care for the whole person.  We seek to establish consultations with family physicians, psychiatrists, caseworkers, and other significant specialist involved in the ongoing care of our client. Collaborative effort of all caregivers helps to promote a healthier you.


    Why is it important:
    A growing body of research shows integrated behavioral health improves health and patient experience, while reducing unnecessary costs in time, money, and delays.


    Benefit of integrated care?

    Reduces depressive, anxiety, fatigue, pain & other mood symptoms Enhances access to services. Improves quality of care. Lowers overall health care costs.


    What are some behavioral health Therapy interventions?

    Behavioral Health Interventions get to the root of the problem through different treatment approaches, including:

    • Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)
    • Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT)
    • Medication evaluation and management.
    • Psychotherapy.
    • Trauma therapy.
    • Dual diagnosis treatment.


    What are examples of integrative health?

     Some common examples of practices include:

    • Acupuncture.
    • Animal-assisted therapy.
    • Aromatherapy.
    • Massage therapy.
    • Music therapy.
    • Meditation.